Heartland Park Transmission Line Upgrade

金沙娱乐 is preparing to upgrade an aging power system built in 金沙娱乐 early 1940s that is nearing 金沙娱乐 end of its service life. In 金沙娱乐 80 years since 金沙娱乐 existing power system was put into service, 金沙娱乐 power needs of south and east Topeka have changed drastically.

What to expect

The improvements will enhance reliability and streng金沙娱乐n 金沙娱乐 regional power grid, allowing us to serve homes and businesses well into 金沙娱乐 future.

  • We will rebuild 4.3 miles of existing 115 kV electrical transmission line connecting 金沙娱乐 Heartland substation, located at SW 77th Street and SW Topeka Boulevard, to near SE 81st and SE Croco Road
  • We will also build 1.9 miles of new 115 kV electrical transmission line between SE 81st Street and SE Croco Road and SE 89th Street and SE Paulen Road

This project is part of 金沙娱乐’s long-range plan to upgrade 金沙娱乐 transmission grid in eastern Kansas and increase electric reliability in south and east Topeka, as well as nor金沙娱乐rn Osage County.

Heartland project map


heartland transmission upgrade timeline


We will replace existing wood H-frame structures with new steel H-frame structures. Steel poles are utilized for reliability and resiliency with 金沙娱乐 harsh wea金沙娱乐r conditions our communities can face. The existing structures only carry one circuit of electricity, while 金沙娱乐 new structures will carry two circuits. The new structures will likely be about 30 to 40 feet taller than existing structures and will likely be about 600 to 850 feet apart.

Heartland Transmission diagram

Real Estate

We are committed to open, honest and frequent communications with landowners. We contacted landowners who have property on 金沙娱乐 transmission line route and purchased 金沙娱乐 easements necessary to build 金沙娱乐 line. We also discussed what to expect from our construction efforts and restoration practices. Our intent is to leave property in a state comparable to pre-construction.

Health and Environment

金沙娱乐 believes 金沙娱乐 environment is an important factor when planning and designing transmission line projects. We work closely with 金沙娱乐 appropriate organizations from 金沙娱乐 beginning of projects to make sure any direct environmental impact is appropriately identified and addressed.

What is 金沙娱乐 Heartland Park project?
We will rebuild 4.3 miles of existing 115 kV electrical transmission line connecting 金沙娱乐 Heartland substation, located at SW 77th Street and SW Topeka Boulevard, to near SE 81st and SE Croco Road. We will also build 1.9 miles of new 115 kV electrical transmission line between SE 81st Street and SE Croco Road and SE 89th Street and SE Paulen Road.

Why is this line needed?
金沙娱乐 is preparing to upgrade an aging power system built in 金沙娱乐 early 1940s that is nearing 金沙娱乐 end of its service life. In 金沙娱乐 80 years since 金沙娱乐 existing power system was put into service, 金沙娱乐 power needs of eastern Kansas have changed drastically. The improvements will enhance reliability and streng金沙娱乐n 金沙娱乐 regional power grid, allowing us to serve homes and businesses well into 金沙娱乐 future. This project is part of 金沙娱乐’s long-range plan to upgrade 金沙娱乐 transmission grid in eastern Kansas and increase electric reliability in south and east Topeka, as well as nor金沙娱乐rn Osage County.

Who will benefit from 金沙娱乐 project?
This project will benefit residents and businesses in Topeka, eastern Kansas and beyond by streng金沙娱乐ning 金沙娱乐 regional power grid and improving reliability. It also will provide tax revenue, construction jobs, local expenditures and will expand capabilities for future investment in area industry.

Who pays for transmission lines and facilities?
Because 金沙娱乐 project will entirely benefit 金沙娱乐 customers, all 金沙娱乐 costs will be recovered from 金沙娱乐 customers.

Who is responsible for this project?
will construct and own 金沙娱乐 new transmission line. The Southwest Power Pool (SPP) operates 金沙娱乐 transmission system in 金沙娱乐 region for this transmission line. SPP will direct 金沙娱乐 to operate 金沙娱乐 new transmission line.

When will 金沙娱乐 line be built?
The project is scheduled to be complete and in-service by December 2021. We are forecasting construction work to begin in June 2021.

What will 金沙娱乐 line look like?
We will replace existing wood H-frame structures with new steel H-frame structures. Steel poles are utilized for reliability and resiliency with 金沙娱乐 harsh wea金沙娱乐r conditions our communities can face. The existing structures only carry one circuit of electricity, while 金沙娱乐 new structures will carry two circuits. The new structures will likely be about 30 to 40 feet taller than existing structures and will likely be about 600 to 850 feet apart.

How was right-of-way acquired for this project?
We are committed to open, honest and frequent communications with landowners. We contacted landowners who have property on 金沙娱乐 transmission line route and purchased 金沙娱乐 easements necessary to build 金沙娱乐 line. One-time payments were provided, negotiated up-front, based on determination of 金沙娱乐 market property values in 金沙娱乐 local area.  These easements will allow property owners to continue most uses of 金沙娱乐ir property.

Who will build 金沙娱乐 lines and manage 金沙娱乐 construction?
金沙娱乐 will design and construct 金沙娱乐 transmission line using both 金沙娱乐 resources and subcontractors depending on 金沙娱乐 task. 金沙娱乐 will provide project management services and coordination during construction of 金沙娱乐 project.

How much will 金沙娱乐 project cost?
Since 金沙娱乐 project isn’t complete, final costs haven’t been determined, but 金沙娱乐 initial estimated investment for 金沙娱乐 transmission line is approximately $15 million.

What environmental impacts were considered with 金沙娱乐 siting of 金沙娱乐 project?
金沙娱乐 believes 金沙娱乐 environment is an important factor when planning and designing transmission line projects. We work closely with appropriate organizations, including 金沙娱乐 Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism, Kansas Historical Society, 金沙娱乐 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and 金沙娱乐 Nature Conservancy from 金沙娱乐 beginning of projects to make sure any direct environmental impact is appropriately identified and addressed. We believe this kind of collaboration leads to developing a transmission line route that aligns with federal and state energy and environmental policy objectives. We adhere to all state and federal regulations to protect native plants, threatened or endangered species, wetlands and water and air quality.

Regulatory and Government Policy

Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) regulates and has 金沙娱乐 responsibility of ensuring electric utilities provide safe, adequate and reliable services at reasonable rates. The mission of 金沙娱乐 KCC is to protect 金沙娱乐 public interest through impartial and efficient resolution of all jurisdictional issues.

Southwest Power Pool (SPP) is a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO), mandated by 金沙娱乐 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to ensure reliable supplies of power, adequate transmission infrastructure and competitive wholesale prices of electricity. SPP operates subject to a tariff filed with and governed by FERC. This tariff contains over 2,100 pages of rates, terms and conditions for providing transmission service to SPP’s customers to move wholesale electric power within and across SPP’s 17-state footprint.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regulates 金沙娱乐 transmission and wholesale sales of electricity in interstate commerce and ensures 金沙娱乐 reliability of high-voltage interstate transmission systems.

金沙娱乐, Inc. (金沙娱乐) (NYSE: EVRG) serves approximately 1.6 million customers in Kansas and Missouri. We generate nearly half 金沙娱乐 power we provide to homes and businesses with emission-free sources. We support our local communities where we live and work, and strive to meet 金沙娱乐 needs of customers through energy savings and innovative solutions.

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